Rosanne Spinner


Holistic Health Coach

Certified Teacher- Face Yoga Method

Certified Brain Longevity Specialist

Color Energy Healing Practitioner

Laughter Yoga Wellness Facilitator

Founder:  Spinner's GrinnersTM     

                    Laughter Yoga Classes (2009-19)


Laughter Yoga

Laughter Yoga

Welcome to the World of Therapeutic Laughter!

Come join me to reap the resilience benefits of laughter, meditation and mindfulness.  We work on wellness in a playful way.


Founder of Spinner's Grinners™ Laughter Yoga Classes in New Hyde Park - (2009-2019)

Newsday visits "Spinner's Grinners™" Laughter Yoga in New Hyde Park - Click HERE for the story.

Here's 'yours truly' welcoming you to the world of therapeutic laughter - click HERE for video.

Another fun video, 'Buddha on the train" - yes, laughter is contagious! Click HERE to watch.

"Playing together, we discover trust. Laughing together, we discover harmony. Through play and laughter, we transcend tragedy, we challenge our physical limits, we celebrate health, we create community, we transform reality."

Bernie DeKoven, master of play and laughter

​​Attention Business Owners/Office Managers in the New Hyde Park area: 

​Would you like your staff to experience a "Laughter Yoga Work-Break" at your job site? It can usually be arranged!

Laughter yoga is a form of low-impact cardio exercise, preventive (lifestyle) medicine and a complementary option to the established therapeutic strategies for physical, mental and emotional health. We do a series of laughter, breathing and playfulness exercises with many scientifically documented health benefits.  ​

It offers a versatile, reliable and easy to use, multidisciplinary and holistic approach to health care that combines various elements from other wellness modalities into a smooth and fluid blend. 

"Laughter yoga is a combination of deep controlled breathing, stretching and forced laughter that engages you and improves lung capacity." Dr. Madan Kataria, MD 

At Spinner's Grinners™ Laughter Yoga Class, we do simple laughter-based activities that help heal body, mind and spirit. I incorporate my knowledge of holistic health, reiki or qigong into every class. All activities are done either standing or sitting. We will not be laying on the floor. No fancy movements necessary. 

Laughter yoga brings anyone into a place of unconditional acceptance. At laughter yoga sessions, inhibitions fall and people are able to access a space of unconditionality - childlike playfulness - childlike acceptance of themselves and those participating. What distinguishes laughter yoga from other meditative practices is that this unconditionality occurs within the context of relationships. Laughter Yoga is supported by powerful tools derived from the Western psycho-analytical methods as well as Eastern spiritual laws. It can help you to stay in high spirits when life throws up challenges. It can enhance your ability to laugh and smile when dealing with negative emotions, situations and negative or difficult people. It makes you heal better, feel better, boosts resilience, and so much more! I advise participants that - just for a while - they can leave worries, stressors and any other troublesome thoughts behind. But for a while, we will play, laugh a lot, and generally feel good. 

My classes are geared to Men, Women, Seniors (ages 13-80).   See Laughter Yoga Class Dates tab. 

 Why Should You "Value" Laughter Yoga? View this highly informative 8 min. video for the answer:  Click HERE for Video 

No Hype, Just Hope!
1 minute of sustained laughter = 10 minutes cardio exercise!
When it comes to alleviating pain, laughter is 200 times more 

    powerful than morphine!
No Knowledge of Yoga Necessary
No Special Equipment or Clothing Needed
No Fancy Movements
Everyone can do this - no joke!
It doesn't get any better!
Be Healthy By Choice, Not as a Consequence!
You don't need to be happy;
You don't need to be funny;
You don't need to have a reason;
You don't even need a sense of humor!
All you need is a willingness to participate!
Laughter Yoga Changes Lives. Consistently.


-Improves concentration;
-Relieves on-the-job stress;
-Strengthens killer T-cell response;
-Lowers blood pressure;
-Oxygenates the blood and all major organs;
-Often cures chronic depression;
-Increases endorphin levels, thus reducing aches and pains;
-Boosts the immune, digestive and sexual systems;
-Boosts self-confidence;
-Massages the lymphatic system, thus increasing the rate of toxic

     elimination 15-fold;
-We become more stress-resistant;
- Can relieve PTSD;
-Is a cardiovascular workout in itself!
-Group laughter has long and short-term lasting effects!
Source: American Journal of Medical Sciences, 

                  Alternative Therapies, Psychology Today

Click the links below this ad to hear my radio interview

recorded on January 31, 2020 by

Town of North Hempstead "Project Independence" .

Something to ponder...

The Banishment of Humor in America

Fear and Woke Culture Have Destroyed the Soul of Our Nation

By Mark McDonald, M.D.


I joined a video call today with two people, a man and a woman, in Bosnia. The man is a native of Tuzla, a city in the eastern side of the country. The woman is from a town to the south of Zagreb, the capital of Croatia. One Bosnian and one Croatian. I asked them, “What do you think of Tuzla?” The Bosnian man replied, “It’s great—lots of do, friendly people, welcoming.” The Croatian said, “There’s nothing to do. Terribly boring.” A lively conversation ensued, with the man insisting that she simply had no idea where to go, prompting her to say, “That’s because I’m still waiting for you to take me somewhere interesting.” They both burst out laughing. I said, “You two seem to really enjoy each other’s company.” The Bosnian man then said, “Mostly, we just complain.” Then they started laughing again. It was one of the most refreshing conversations I had had in weeks. When I later described the dismal situation here in Los Angeles, the Bosnian man explained to me, “No one is afraid here in Tuzla. We continue to live our lives as before.”

I realized something from joining the call—everyone who is afraid is humorless. When I think of my patients, the most fearful are also the least likely to smile, to tell a joke, or to laugh. They are invested in, and locked into, a myopic state that cannot take in the environment around them. Their awareness is handicapped by their fear. Everything they experience is filtered through that fear state, limiting the variety of thoughts they can generate. Fear has become a true intellectual handicap.

This humor handicap presents itself in many ways. One that few acknowledge is the inability to develop perspective. To see a situation from more than one angle is a key element of problem-solving. The fearful who lack humor cannot solve problems, even basic ones such as how to obtain food without a delivery app on their phone. They have rendered themselves unable to survive in a society that does not cater to their handicap. Enabled by government, they may survive, but without the intrinsic ability to develop perspective, they cannot grow. They cannot develop. They are simply existing in an arrested state, frozen, incapacitated, and dependent on the state for their basic needs.

Apart from the effect fear has on humor, American culture today has largely outlawed humor. In its place, we now have mockery, a central trait of the woke. True humor jumpstarts perspective and internal movement, while mockery shuts it down. Mockery is disguised cruelty.

As Elon Musk said recently in an interview with the Babylon Bee, wokeness “basically gives mean people a shield to be mean, and cruel, armored in false virtue.” The woke have no perspective, and they attack those who do good while insulating themselves from all criticism. Often, the woke and the fearful are one and the same, as both groups lack access to rational thought and cannot process information without filtering it through their histrionic emotional state.

A nation that has banned humor, and a people that has lost the ability to appreciate it, will soon find itself trapped in an inextricable morass, unable to move, think, or grow. Decline is inevitable, as everyone in America now witnesses. Loss of humor does more than simply remove the color from life, the subtle shading that brings levity and meaning to quotidian affairs. It lobotomizes the individual and the society he is a part of. It turns a nation into a collective of zombies, some benign and others sadistic, but none able to attain their full potential as human beings or participate in any productive way as citizens.

I would never have expected a Bosnian and a Croatian to surprise me by their natural ease in finding humor in otherwise banal conversation. I wasn’t aware that they aren’t afraid, and they aren’t woke. They are living in reality, facing it head-on every day, unlike the majority of Americans who still pretend that fear is a virtue and that cruelty is beyond reproach, as long as it is couched in fear and victimhood.

Americans have always been fond of humor, and America has always fostered that quality in its people. We have begun to go down a dangerous path, expelling humor and suffocating the development of perspective. We cannot allow this to continue. We must reverse course, reclaim humor, and return it to its rightful place in society—not as a luxury but rather a necessary component of a full and healthy life.

Mark McDonald, M.D.
Psychiatrist and author of 
United States of Fear: How America Fell Victim to a Mass Delusional Psychosis

DISCLAIMER:  As with any other form of exercise, laughter yoga is not intended to substitute for the medical advice of physicians.  Be advised not to take risks beyond your level of experience, aptitude, and comfort level.  A participant should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to personal health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention.

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