About me...
Click here to view my About Me presentation. Allow a few moments for the Powerpoint file to download. Click 'OPEN' when the download is completed.
If I were still living the lifestyle I was accustomed to until I was in my mid-20s, I would not be here today- there's no question. Sugar and high-carb empty-calorie foods became my security blanket, and eventually took its toll. I reached an unmanageable weight. One conversation changed my life! I lost £100 in the process and gained a passion for Wellness that has never diminished.
Several decades later I returned to school, the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in New York City, and became a board-certified holistic health coach. I began to realize that the foods you love should love you back and everything you take in is food! At the Institute, we studied about *primary foods: your career, relationships, your exercise... And speaking of exercise, it was during my training at the Institute that someone invited me to a laughter yoga session. When I experienced my first laughter yoga class, after a few minutes, something clicked inside of me and I said, “I get it,” and I researched it further. I realized that this is a branch of ‘complementary medicine’ that everyone could benefit from, and I became a certified laughter wellness instructor and founder of Spinners Grinners Laughter Yoga™ classes in New Hyde Park, NY, and have been conducting laughter yoga classes as a holistic path to wellness since 2009. In addition, I was a winner in the “Nibbles Women's Summer Transformation Contest” in 2017. This was a competition among women 18 years and older, were over 300 women participated.
ADDITIONAL EDUCATION: Level II Spring Forest Qigong Practitioner
First, Second and Advanced levels: Traditional USUI Reiki Practitioner
Certified Teacher- Face Yoga Method
Certified Brain Longevity Specialist
It took me almost 71 years to discover this treasure! The Face Yoga Method is a blend of yoga-like body postures and facial expressions that will improve your appearance and build up your overall sense of well-being. It is a unique technique to turn back the clock and/or prevent or diminish fine lines and wrinkles from forming in the first place. It focuses on your facial muscles to create a firmer, more sculptured face, neck and jawline. It takes only minutes daily and is safe and totally natural. Click the “Face Yoga” link in the page header for a treasure trove of information! In November, 2021, I am certified as a Brain Longevity Specialist by the Alzheimer's Research & Prevention Foundation. Since my Face Yoga Method program is "exercise from the neck up", I would be remiss if I did not include 'brain health' into my Face Yoga Method offering. Be assured: If you sign up for Face Yoga with Rosanne Spinner, CTFYM, you will receive in my 8-week program valuable information which I have incorporated to enhance your brain health.
Here is another path to Wellness that I offer. During this 45-minute health-promoting session, you will learn how certain color(s) that you are drawn to promote YOUR personal Wellness. You will experience the color visually AND audibly. You will receive a holistic prescription custom-tailored to you allowing you to use this 'color knowledge' to enhance your well-being. For more information, click on the “Color Energy Healing” link in the page header.
SPINNER’S GRINNERS™ LAUGHTER YOGA – the happiest workout method!
This has many, many health benefits, and I always incorporate my knowledge of holistic health into all activities. I currently offer “Laughter Loga Work Breaks” at the workplace to businesses in New Hyde Park and surrounding areas in Nassau County, New York. For more information about laughter yoga and its benefits, click on the “Laughter Yoga” link in the page header.
The information presented on this website is not intended to substitute for the medical advice of physicians. The viewer should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to his/ her health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention.
Whether it be my Face Yoga with Rosanne Spinner, CTFYM, Spinners Grinners™ Laughter Yoga classes, or a Color Energy Healing session, let me hear from you soon by clicking the link “Contact Me” above!